Pastor Joshua talks about the Urgent need that is met by God’s Plan.
God’s Plan part 3
The Urgency of God’s Plan
Colossians 1:27
John 3:16 New King James Version
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Perish = Apollymi – ap-ol’-loo-mee
Outline of Biblical Usage
– to destroy
– to put out of the way entirely, abolish, put an end to ruin
– render useless
– to kill
– to declare that one must be put to death
– metaph. to devote or give over to eternal misery in hell
– to perish, to be lost, ruined, destroyed
– to destroy
– to lose
2 Peter 3:9 New International Version
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
Principle: God in His Love and Mercy sent us Jesus.
John 14:6 New International Version
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 10:8-9 New International Version
8 All who have come before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them. 9 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.
2 Timothy 4:1 New International Version
In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead…
Acts 10:42 New International Version
He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead.
Principle: Jesus is the Only Way.
Proverbs 27:1 New International Version
Do not boast about tomorrow,
for you do not know what a day may bring.
Principle: Jesus is the Answer!
If the Good News is Urgent…
1. I must be FIRM in my BELIEF in Jesus.
2. I must SHARE the Good News with OTHERS.
Principle: Don’t just keep Jesus to yourself.
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