Covenental Relationships Part 4

EJ Alexander Leave a Comment

Apostle Duane Swilley invites Diamond and Kennard Stevens long with his wife, Prophet Deborah to speak about the importance of having level 5 relationships – reaching the world. Principle: Everything we believe and know starts with level one. Principle: When in the Word in John 17 it says, “father make us one.” I believe God wants us to share the …

Covenantal Relationships Part 3

EJ Alexander Leave a Comment

Apostle Duane Swilley preaches with a panel of powerful leaders at Hope United Church on the importance of a Christians responsibility and purpose while in covenant relationships based on the story of Ruth and Naomi. Principle: There are different parts of the body of Christ where you are joined. Because without them, you would be incomplete and ineffective.  Principle: You …

Increased Covenantal Relationships Part 2

EJ Alexander Leave a Comment

Apostle Duane Swilley and prominent members of the congregation share wisdom what the Lord revealed to them throughout the week their covenant relationships and things they will continue to take action towards to move into the relationships the Lord calls them into. Principle: All five covenantal relationship levels are there to bring glory to God. Principle: I am not starting …

Covenantal Relationships

EJ Alexander Leave a Comment

Apostle Duane Swilley preaches on a new series about the levels of relationships that are provided to us by the Lord for us to be in covenant with. Mark 10:9 NKJV 9 Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” Ruth 1:16-18 NIV 16 But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where …

Putting Your Heart Out There

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Prophet Deborah talks about how love will cause you to pass your personal limits. Like and Subscribe to Our Podcast!  We’re excited to offer our live weekly broadcast Sundays at 9:30AM on our YouTube Channel and Facebook Page.  Looking for more? We’d love to connect with you.  Visit our website to see service times, prayer times and more. GIVE: …

Make Love Not War

EJ Alexander Leave a Comment

#newseries #lovenotwar #pembrokepines All You Need Is Love Part 6 Like and Subscribe to Our Channel! We’re excited to offer live online church services at 9:30AM & 11:30AM on our YouTube Channel and Facebook Page. Chat with us live, enjoy special moments of worship and watch together as a family. Looking for more? We’d love to connect with you. Click …

Prophetic Communication

EJ Alexander Leave a Comment

The Prophetic Community part 3 Pastor Joshua & Prophet Deborah demystify the prophetic in the life a Christian. We are designed to hear God’s voice and speak His heart to the world around us. Sermon Notes: Acts 19:1-6 NLT1 While Apollos was in Corinth, Paul traveled through the interiorregions until he reached Ephesus, on the coast, where he foundseveral believers. 2 “Did …