Pastors Joshua and Keren talk about making a marriage work. A Love That LastsNo Ordinary Love part 3 Intro: Matthew 19:6 New Living TranslationSince they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.” Founded in His Love: Getting married to the right person.Being committed to make it work (no exit strategy)Allowing God’s …
No Ordinary Love
Pastor Joshua talks about the difference in God’s Love and what the culture calls love. SEERMON NOTES: No Ordinary Love Types of Love: John 15:13 New Living TranslationThere is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. Pictures of a bmw, luxury house, expensive sneakers, man going to work (all 4 pics on one slide) Principle: …
Do You Love People?
Pastor Robert Owens talks about loving people God’s way.
Loving Your Neighbor
I Wish Somebody Would part4 Featuring Pastor Keren SERMON NOTES: The way we (The Church) treat the Unchurch serves as a litmus test of spiritual health. – Steve Sjogren 2 Luke 6:31 New Living Translation 31 Do to others as you would like them to do to you. Colossians 3:12 New Living Translation Since God chose you to be the …