How Will They Know?

By: Pastor Joshua Swilley Have you ever found a truth that was a game changer for you? Maybe something changed the way you looked at life on a fundamental level. There are things that we learn and seasons that we take in certain information and it catapults us forward. When we come to Christ, this is the biggest leap forward …

The Greatest

How many people are searching for meaning, and purpose, and identity? How many people are searching for legacy, value and prestige. There have been many people that have walked the face of the earth that have known greatness.  When you say the word greatness, there are some people that come to mind. If I were to say the greatest boxer, you probably …

Faith Over Fear

What do you do in a panic stricken world? To give click here For service times and directions click here

Community of Unity

We have been talking about a “Community of Unity”. It’s been such a great series so far. There will always be a battle against your unity with other believers but just remember this: “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against …

Why DIY Christianity Doesn’t Work

Today, many Christians are opting out of church and opting in for a more do it yourself approach as it relates to their relationship with Jesus. Across America, Christians are treating Sundays and any other function of the church as optional. This is why that’s a tragic misconception. The devil’s flavor of the day is individuality and independence. Jesus’ unchanging …

God Challenge Our Hearts

My prayer is that God challenge our hearts. There is such a spirit of this age, such a natural and spiritual propensity to settle and not strive forward. In our families, our marriages, our careers and most importantly our walk with God there is a complacency. There is nothing more the enemy would want than you to settle and not …